Hello all the families

Welcome to babies two room. Today Miss. Hansani welcomed our babies in the morning with loads of love. Cameron, Elliana, Finley and Jackson had so much fun together during the day. It has been a lovely morning as our children has been choosing to explore indoor experiences while keep our bodies nice and warm.

All the children have been choosing to play on their own interest this morning. So, Finley and Jackson were extremely busy with the sticky wall by sticking and taking off the pom poms and the paddle pops. This activity provides opportunities to develop and implement their fine motor skills. Cameron had a great time with the sensory bottles as he loved to shake them and banging on the floor to make some music. Elliana enjoyed doing peek-a-boo with Miss.Hansani under the tent.

After having our morning tea, children have been choosing to play outside under the cold and fresh weather. We enjoyed some bubble play first as Elliana’s interest in sensory activities. She was so excited to make bubbles. Then we counted the rings while stacking them one on one. Elliana and Finley were joined with me to count the rings.

After the busy play outside, we have been choosing to engage in a group time. So, we had a group drawing session while sitting on the mat. Children chose the colours as their interest and moved their fingers to create different kind shapes to fill our white board with colours.

In the afternoon we enjoyed outdoor play experiences together. Finley, Elliana and Jackson loved to ride the see-saw while singing songs. It was nice to see that Elliana and Finley joined with me to sing ‘row row row your boat’ while Jackson and Cameron were making dancing movements.

This week children have been engaging with lots of activities to demonstrate their fine motor, gross motor and language skills..

Have a lovely day…

Much love from Miss.Hansani..