Happy Friday Babies Three families!
This morning we welcomed Isla, Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Jhye, Adeleine, Daris and Shayaan with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Winston began his day over in Toddlers 1 and we welcomed Shayaan for another fun transition day! Shayaan is settling into his new learning environment so well and is already forming strong bonds with his new educators and friends. We began our morning in the babies One yard, the children had lots of fun exploring and playing with their friends from babies one and two. We then moved into our yard for a quick play before morning tea. Once it was time for morning tea we cleaned up our room to the “clean up song” and sat on the mat with Miss Lauren. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. For morning tea we had mango yoghurt, granola and banana.
As soon as we finished morning tea it was time for funky feet dancing with Miss Jen. Bella was so excited that she started dancing before Miss Jen had put any music on. We started with the song ‘shake, rattle and roll’. All of the children sat on the parachute and chose pom poms or shakers to use for the song. Next up was ‘hula hoop’, the children chose a hula hoop each and moved it around their body throughout the song. Trying their best to balance it on their arms and legs. Shayaan wasn’t too sure about dancing but had a big smile on his face when Miss Lauren danced around holding him. The children had the best time at dancing today, their was lots of laughs, smiles and awesome dance moves!
After Funky Feet dancing we headed back outside. Since the children have really been enjoying water play this week we thought we’d extend on that and have more water play! Miss Mel filled up one side of the trough with water and boats and Bella decided it would be a good idea to have sand in the other side of the trough. The children couldn’t get in there soon enough! Isla kept trying to drink the water, Bella and Adeline were busy pushing the boats around the water, Daris liked squeezing the sand in his hands and then throwing the sand into the other side of the trough, Matthew put a shovel in the water to scoop it up and then tip it back out. Valencia and Jhye only played in the water for a little bit and just wanted to use their hands to feel the water and sand. Water play is a great way to help develop your child’s fine and gross motor skills.
While outside this morning Daris, Jhye and Adeline helped Miss Otavia build towers out of the foam shape blocks. The children used all their strength to put one shape piece on top of another. Their favourite part was knocking the blocks down of course. Other activities enjoyed outside today were the sandpit, the quiet area with books and climbing and balancing on the climbing frames. The children all kept busy soaking up this beautiful weather!
Before lunch we sat down on the mat with Miss Mel for a group time where we read stories and sung lots of songs. Our favorite’s were wheels on the bus and if you’re happy and you know it. We then sung bee-bee bumblebee while the children said their names as best they could and then washed their hands for lunch. Lunch today was Mexican fiesta with rice and a salad bar. The children enjoyed the rice the most.
We then headed to our beds for rest time after our busy morning. We can’t wait to have more fun exploring this afternoon. Thank you all for a great day. Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Mel and Miss Lauren. xxxxx