Good afternoon and happy Friday! What a beautiful day we have had here today! This morning our friends Bentley, Jordan, Larsson, Matilda, Shayaan, Zelia and Kyla were welcomed with lots of cuddles and smiles. To start our morning, we had the doors open to enjoy some indoor and outdoor spontaneous play as we did our nappies and put some of friends down for their first sleep of the day. After some of our friends were asleep, the others came together to enjoy some morning tea, as our other friends woke, they too enjoyed some morning tea.
For group time today, we joined together in a circle outside, Miss Crystal read out some affirmations which were a great way to incorporate ‘White Balloon Day’, just bringing positivity to our babies’ lives. After we read these beautiful affirmations we sand our ‘ABC’ song as this has been a favourite of ours, we then got out the bubbles and enjoyed chasing them and popping them and trying to say “BUBBLE”. We have spent most of our day outdoors, playing with the different toys and learning spaces and engaging with one another and all our friends in the toddler yard. On the mat we had some books set up, this was a favourite with most our friends as they practised flipping the pages and touching all the different illustrations and textures on each page. We have also had the activity centres set up to continue promoting walking as a lot of our friends are now beginning to get confident with using them as support to stand and then taking small steps and letting go to stand unassisted. Out wooden climbing equipment has also been loved today, our friends have either been practising crawling up the ladder or standing up at the cube and playing peek-a-boo. After lunch we stayed inside as it was getting quite warm, we were joined by two friends from babies two who played with us which was so much fun! We also loved crawling around on the floor and tackling Miss Shae and talking and engaging with one another. The musical instruments were a hit and we loved shaking them and hitting bells.
Yesterday was our friend Matilda’s 1st Birthday! Happy Birthday Matilda! Today we celebrated singing happy birthday and making her feel special.
Thank you for a wonderful day and a lovely week!
Much Love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xx