Hello and welcome to another Fab FriYay!!
Today Miss Hansi and Miss Otavia welcomed Jordan and Larsson to Babies 2 room until Miss Shae arrived, and we ventured into our own room and welcomed our friend Fletcher. After a little play exploring our room, we prepared for our day and began our routines. The children went down for their morning sleeps before exploring the amazing activities we have planned for the day. Bentley arrived shortly after to join in on our fun Friday.
Fletcher started our group time today. He went and sat on the mat we usually do our group time on and began to clap his hands and bounce up and down on his bottom. Miss T’arn said to Fletcher, “You are right Fletch, we do our group time now before lunch!” Miss T’arn began to sing “Open Shut Them” as Fletcher and Bentley Clapped along. We did facial recognition, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Larsson thought it was funny when she touched Jordans nose, he did a little cackle in response. We did a quick little group time before lunch today and ended it with “Bee Bee Bumble Bee,” We then went and sat at the table that we set up outside under the cover today! Even though it was a bit rainy it was beautiful to enjoy our lunch outdoors watching the rain. The children sat so beautiful at the table and ate a big lunch! Its so amazing to see that the children respond so well to consistency and routine.
We had some extremely exciting things happening today!! Miss Nads, Miss Kylie, and Miss Emma surprised us all with a visit from Carnival of Joy today!! A man who built VERY BIG Australian animals, a Cockatoo, a Kookaburra, and a Koala made from Bamboo and cane all while in lockdown. This was such an amazing experience and so exciting to see. All the children really enjoyed watching them through the fence. Larsson and Jordan were saying “oooohh” while pointing to the big Birdies! Bentley had the biggest smile on his face and Fletcher didn’t take his eyes off the big cockatoo. After seeing the big Australian animals, we went back to our yard with Babies Two and Babies Three where we had set up group experiences for NAIDOC week. On the table we had Didgeridoo painting, on one mat we had coloured rice and measuring cups activity, the rice and cups were the colours of the Aboriginal Flag, and on the 2nd, mat was Indigenous music instruments, our nature sensory bottles, and Indigenous puzzles. All the children had so much fun exploring all the different areas in the yard today. Jordan, Bentley, Larsson, and Fletcher were happy sitting on the mat with all the musical instruments before going to investigate what their friends were doing at the rice station. They all went and stood around the rice, putting their hands in, and grabbing the rice in their hands. Fletcher wanted to put the rice in his mouth, but we redirected him by giving him one of the measuring cups to scoop the rice instead. This was such a fun Friday, and a perfect way to end our NAIDOC weeks experiences.
Before lunch Fletcher instigated and begun our group time. We sang songs, did facial recognition, and finished the group time with Bee Bee bumble bee.
Today was a great day filled with fun and exciting things. Bentley, Jordan, Larsson, and Fletcher really enjoyed the Carnival of Joy experience, seeing all the Giant Australian animals was so exciting! The perfect end to a great week of fun filled activities.
We look forward to playing inside this afternoon as it is wet weather today. We want to stay nice and warm and dry before home time.
We hope you have a fantastic weekeend and stay dry with all this cold weather, we look forward to seeing you all next week
Love Miss Tárn and Miss Shae xx