Happy Friday everyone! It’s a new month today which meant lots of changes on our calendar for the children to discuss this morning. We heard that Chi and Tanner had family with birthdays this month.
Our other group time activities included discussing the weather cycle and the stormy weather we had last night. This was inspiration for our crepe paper stormy pictures where the children sketched their stormy pictures with clouds, rain and lightning and then ripped the pieces of crepe paper and clued them over the top to give the picture some colour and depth.
We were delivered some new toys this morning including some lava lamp style timers and gooey tubes. This prompted Marlie to ask how the balls were made inside the timers. We then brought out some oil, water, food colouring and dish soap to get a hands on visualisation of emulsification and oils vs water.
We continued our science filled day with a temperature experiment heating up some objects and cups of water to do some comparisons and measure them with the radar gun. We always get the children to try and hypothesis what will happen and then explain the results after. Sometimes the most powerful learning is when unexpected things happen.
Outdoors we got grooving with Miss Jeni and her Funky Feet dancing class. She always get smiles on faces and the children engaged in the music and dancing. We also played plenty of ball games and later in the afternoon we plan to have a bird spotting competition with the children marking down when they spot a bird, the more rare the bird the more points they get. Great for observations skills, developing vocabulary around nature and also number recognition and adding numbers together.
That’s all for today, have a wonderful long weekend everyone and we will see you again next week.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess
P.S a reminder to bring in your re-enrollment forms for next year if you returning to Kindergarten or are planning to have your child at the vacation care before school starts