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Happy Friday Riversdale families!

Kindergarten class began their day with a happy morning group time, welcoming one another and their educators as an inclusive start to our day 🙂 We then discussed today’s daily calendar and the weather. We spoke about what we wanted to do during our weekend and told Miss Tatyana some of the activities that we wanted to do today. Lots of us requested different things and was great to see them each ask for something based on their interests.

After we re-energized our bodies with some morning tea, Kindy 1 class started their inside play. We absolutely loved using our fine-motor skills and imaginations when building with Lego. Some of us made houses, towers, people, vehicles and anything else that their imagination would take them!

We also particularly enjoyed some arts and craft today! We collaged, drew and colored. We even engaged in a painting activity with colors that the children requested. We created our own free-hand symmetrical paintings and loved how they all turned out!

Kindergarten class then all joined for our weekly Funky Feet Dance lesson! We were full of energy and each gave it a go which was so awesome to see! It was such a fun experience for our Friday and we really enjoyed ourselves!

Soon after, we all made our way outside for a little sports and movement session with Miss Tatyana. Today, we played a game that is similar to Capture the flag. We were required to strategize, problem solve, communicate and work as a team to achieve the goal. We had so much fun and challenged ourselves today physically.

It was then time for us all to come inside and prepare for our quiet/rest time. We had lots of water and ate all of our lunch, ready for the rest of our Friday.

Thank you Kindergarten friends for an amazing end to our week at Kindy! We hope you have all enjoyed your week and have a safe and happy weekend. See you all in the new week 🙂

Kind regards,

Miss Tatyana and Miss Connie
