Hello Riversdale families,
Welcome to a Marvelous Monday! We hope you have all had a beautiful weekend!
We had a great start to our week as Kindergarten all joined for a morning group time with Miss Tatyana. We welcomed one another and shared what we did on the weekend with all of our friends! We also completed our daily calendar and made a smooth transition into the bathroom to wash hands for morning tea.
After morning tea, we all enjoyed exploring our room with many activities. Some of us had lots of fun amongst home corner with dress ups and role play! While others enjoyed many building, throwing, drawing and counting games too!
In our Science corner, this week we will be focused on the element of balance. We have a big and little balance scales that we can engage in and let the children work on if they wish to. This activity can help the children measure the mass, force exertion, tension and resistance that an object holds and seeing and understanding how to keep each side balanced. The concept of weight and numbers plays a big role in Kindergarten’s growth of this concept. We look forward to extend on this topic throughout the week.
Following that, it was time for a big tidy up as we got ourselves ready for our weekly Yoga lesson! We all participated in Yoga with Miss Hailey as we improve our concentration, self-esteem, manage our emotions, strength, flexibility and help increase our body mindfulness and awareness. Yoga is great for all of this!
It was then time for us all to get ourselves ready for lunch time and a quiet rest, ready for the remainder of our Monday.
We hope you have all had a great start to your week! See you all soon 🙂
Kind regards,
Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana