Good afternoon everyone and welcome to a new week here at Riversdale.

This morning we were outside nice and early as it was so warm, we made sure to apply sunscreen before we go out as the UV level is rising during the days. During outdoor play, ball games, digging in the sandpit and playing on the swing were the most popular activities.

Indoors at group time we called the roll, changed our calendar and practiced something very special for graduation. The children can’t wait to show you their surprise! We also read a couple of new stories that Miss Jess brought in which have some funny themes about bottoms.

Our planned activities today included a lego puzzle where the children had to follow instructions like “place the ___ colour block to the left/right/above/below/top/bottom of  _________”. This activity targeted listening skills, comprehension and processing to follow the instructions and get the pieces in the correct spots. Afterwards each child was given a big bowl of Lego to make their own collage. Even with similar pieces the artworks were all very unique in style which is what we love to see.

Outdoors the children created their own tag game where they gathered in the tunnel and on the signal they would all scatter around the playground while the tagger chased them. If they got tagged a “laser beam” would strike them and they had to lay down until the round was over.

Lunch was very popular today as most of the children filled their plates with the noodles tofu/fish and soy sauce. Lots of colour from the vegetables too!

Later in the afternoon at our group times we will split the group in half so they can explore their sport and movement session (which is soccer today) and also the water cycle before we head into our science topic about filtration and testing out different types of water filters.

That’s all for today, thank you for reading our blog 🙂

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess