Hello friends and families of Kindergarten 1. We have had an awesome day full of arts and crafts as well as a fun science experiment.
This morning we played outdoors in the double slide yard and the children enjoyed climbing trees and getting among the bark with the dump trucks and shovels. Games of tag are also popular in this yard as the children race down the slides and up to the other levels.
This morning at group time we played a bingo game with the letters in our own name. The letters randomly came on the computer one at a time and when they matched a letter in the children’s name they could cross it off. When all the letters were crossed off they could transition to morning tea.
After morning tea the class gathered together to set up for our filtration experiment. Mr Andrew cut some plastic bottles in half and put holes in the caps. The children then helped fill the bottles with the different filter materials including cotton balls, sponges, coffee filters and sand. We then made some dirty water with sand, leaves and dirt to put in the half cut bottles. The children were fascinated with the process and we all made predictions before we put the water in with most choosing the cotton balls. The eventual winner as decided by the children was . . . . . . . . the sponge!
The rest of our day was filled with some free choice activities while the educators helped everyone finish their magic wands with various accessories like gemstones, feathers, ribbons, sequins, coloured tape and more!
In the afternoon we plan to play some teamwork games to develop social skills and communication skill to work towards a goal. While indoors we will have a slideshow and quiz about animals that lay eggs.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess