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Welcome to today’s blog!

This morning we joined for a group time with Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana: singing songs, completing our daily calendar and practicing to tell the time.

After serving ourselves some morning tea, Kindergarten 1 began our classroom activities. As well as explore our favorite areas with our friends, we got to participate in a fun activity with Miss Tatyana. Today we made our very own animal posters! Each of us got a turn to get creative and dive into a little bit about our chosen animal. We each had the choice of what we wanted and asked Miss Tatyana some questions that might help us create a poster all about our animal. We asked questions like “where do they live?”, “What do they eat?”, “Where do they come from?” and “What can they do?”. When they discovered more about their animal they expressed what they know by their drawings. Later on we even got to stand up in front of the class and present our posters and maybe even tell their friends a little bit about their animal 🙂 This activity helped develop a range of skills from fine motor skills to drawing from imagination or copy an image, critical thinking, learning that technology can help us learn about topics and building confidence to speak and present in front of the class.

During our classroom activities, we also got to continue our learning and exploring of the name scramble activity and the clock time matching activity. We are getting more and more familiar with this task and have developed a greater learning of matching the times, reading a clock and recognizing the letters of our names. We have done good and have thoroughly enjoyed them and our focus on each this week as both are very important!

It was then time for us all to help pack away the classroom and put sunscreen and hats on to head outside for our weekly ARAKAN lesson followed by a sports and movement session. Mr Daniel did some drills and played some games that helped extend on our physical skills and martial arts. We did great listening and following instructions today, good job Kindergarten!

We then came back inside to make our own beds and prepare ourselves for quiet/rest time. And before we knew it, our bellies were full of yummy food and lots of water.

Thank you friends for a thriving Thursday 🙂

Kind regards,

Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana