Today is “R U OK?” day and we celebrated the day by doing some drawings of situations where we feel different emotions like happy, sad, angry and scared and discussing what we could do in those situations. We talked about always using kinds words and doing kind actions to others so that they do the same for us. Later in the afternoon we wrote cards with special messages for our classmates talking about all the positive things they do. To wrap up the day we did some scenarios where children were hurt or upset and role played as a group what we could do in that situation.
Outside we had some of the Father’s day sports activities going again like hopscotch, bowling and soccer penalties. It is awesome to watch the
Some of our spontaneous activities included:
- washing some of our class toys
- Making some fresh playdough
- body painting of happy and kind images
In the afternoon we will split into small groups for our class games and sport and movement session again which will include some throwing games outdoors and language games indoors.
Thanks for joining us today and we welcome back Miss Jess who the children have been excited to see!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess