Welcome to the Kindy 1 blog on a wonderful Tuesday we are having here today.

This morning we were outdoors a little earlier as the weather was nice and warm. We played with some of our favourite resources including the bikes, sandpit equipment and there were plenty of balls out today for soccer and basketball play.

As we came indoors we challenged the children to be like quiet like mice and called out the roll so quickly and efficiently. The Kindy love little challenges like this and it is great for self-regulation skills which is such an important indicator for future success. We also changed the calendar and talked about all the birthdays happening at the moment. Recognising our birthday is great for building a sense of self-identity.

Our planned activity for the morning was flag making. We each chose a flag we wanted to draw and worked hard at colouring it in. We hung the flag bunting up in the classroom and the children excitedly tried to find the flag they made. This activity helped build pencil grip and fine motor skills when drawing as well as building more cultural awareness about other places around the world.

After that we all gathered together to watch the show that “Surfer Sam” was ready to present. It had lots of great learning moments including:

  • Sun safety – what to bring outdoors and what to wear
  • Water safety – where to swim at the beach and how to stay safe around pools
  • Keeping the ocean clean from rubbish – being proactive about picking up rubbish as well
  • Appreciation for wildlife – including sharks and other scary creatures

In the afternoon we plan to split the group to have our music session and games and sport and movement session with some jumping and balancing games.

Thank you for reading our blog today.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess

P.S please remember to check bags as there are some invites to children’s birthday parties in some bags.