Welcome to the Kindy 1 blog today. Although it has been a bright sunny day we have been super busy indoors with various activities so we might have to make up for it in the afternoon and get outdoors a little more.
This morning at group time we did our usual activities and explored some new concepts like sketching a face together and counting on a number line on the whiteboard. We sketched a face to identify different features as a prompt for our face sketches we did of our friends. During this topic we have discussed how people have their own unique features and we should be proud of what we have any never use that as a way to be mean to others. We also tried to find as many positive qualities of each other as we could while we drew the pictures.
We also played a number line game where the children had to hop along the line and follow different instructions like take two hops “up” the line or three hops “down” the line. Visualising a number line is important for later math concepts like adding and subtracting and for some it was great number recognition and counting practice as well.
Our big event today was the “Recycleman” show! He had the children dress up and become recycling heroes and help him what to recycle, what to put in green waste bins, what to reuse and what to put in the landfill bins. It was a great show and the children had plenty of questions which he wonderfully answered for them. What a great way to reinforce learning about recycling!
In the afternoon we plan to practice our poem some more during our music and games session while others will play some tagging games in our sport and movement session. As always we will swap over so the children get a turn at all the activities. Doing them in smaller groups helps with confidence and participation and means the children get more opportunities to be engaged.
Many of our children got their photos taken today if it was their first day here this week so check with your educators.
Thanks for reading our blog today. Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess
P.S tomorrow is a “make your mark” day where we are encouraging the children to wear or accessorize with something unique to make their mark. We will be doing a class mural as well to mark the day.