07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello everyone,

Welcome to today’s blog for Kindergarten 1 🙂

This morning we all joined for group time on the mat and sang some of our favorite songs. We also completed our daily calendar and got to be the audience for a little show and tell that Connor.S had brought. We were all very excited to see his snake skin and hear all about it. Thank you Connor!

We then transitioned into the bathroom and used our self-help skills to wash hands, prepare ourselves and serve our morning tea. This morning we had some delicious slices and fresh fruit for morning tea 🙂

Kindergarten were then all energized and ready to begin the classroom activities for today. We continued on from our family tree activity and were in the process of decorating and gluing our photos on. We’re almost there for us all to create our leaves and add something nice to each others leaves. We look forward to see the end result!

Kindy class also continued to concentrate on our line drawing activity and extended on it today with some blindfold drawing. The children progressed through different stages of line drawing so that they can make more complex shapes and pictures in the future. We were able to understand positional words like horizontal, vertical, curved and diagonal. To extend on this, Kindergarten were blindfolded and had to try and draw a shape, letter or picture. This allowed them to test their spatial awareness, fine motor skills and muscle memory to see if they could complete the challenges. We really enjoyed this one!

While some of us attended our weekly Tennis lesson with Mr Trevor, the rest of us enjoyed a sports and movement session outside. Today we played the cat and mouse game. The group held hands in a circle and one mouse and one cat were chosen. The cat had to try and tag the mouse but the children in the circle could lift their arms to let the mouse in to escape the cat temporarily. This game was great for building physical skills like running, dodging, tagging and also develop problem solving skills and communication to try and help the mouse get away from the cat or vice-versa 🙂

We also engaged well in many of our favorite classroom activities with our friends and even were introduced to the building of our marble run course made by our cardboard tubes. We cant wait to make a proper one later this week for our continued Science topic.

Time then came for us all to fill our bellies up with lunch and rest our bodies, ready for the remainder of our day! We hope you have all had a terrific Tuesday like we have in Kindy 1!

NOTE: Tomorrow Riversdale Early Learning is showing our support of the SES (State emergency services) and will be dressing up in orange! Many activities will be provided for the children and we would like to encourage if families are able to bring their child in orange with a gold coin donation. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana