Hello everyone! Let us share some of the exciting things we did today.
It was a very busy day with our regular soccer session happening this morning, while some of the children were building their skills the other children played some dice games with Miss Jess and then had an outdoor picnic for morning tea. When everyone returned we changed our calendar and Arlo presented Bob the sloth and shared his adventures with the class. Harry also had some show and tell today. Starting next week we will create a show and tell roster for the children to bring some special things in to class so if we could keep toys at home until your child’s special day that would be much appreciated.
We had an extended outdoor play as later we had our exciting Wild Rangers bug show which included bearded dragon, mealworms, glow in dark scorpions, huntsman spiders, and and many other different insects. The children loved getting up close to explore these unique creatures and gain a greater appreciation for nature and their impact on nature.
In the afternoon we played some group games such as “numbers” where the children had to quickly get into groups of a specific number, as well as the “grinch game” where one team added X-mas lights onto trees (balls onto cones) and the other team had to remove them. This game was awesome for quick moving gross motor skills and working as a team to win the games. We finished with our “puppy walking” game where the children used tennis rackets to guide the puppies (plastic balls) back to their kennels (hoops).
Thanks for reading our blog today, enjoy your evenings everyone!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess