It’s Wednesday today, and what a great day it has been in the Kindy 1 classroom.
This morning we had a very unique obstacle course set up in the playground that followed the bike track, it had jumping, climbing and hopping obstacles and some of us even tried to tackle the easier parts with blindfolds. Blindfold racing and games have been popular at the moment and the children are building skills relating to verbal language and communication as well as trusting their peers.
As an extension to our road sign games we decided to paint some today. This was a great activity for developing painting skills and the children had fun discussing what each sign meant and also comparing what their signs had and didn’t have. During this time other children enjoyed role playing games with the dress ups, construction play with blocks and connectors and also letter and poster making at the art table.
Later in the morning we headed outdoors again to the double slide playground for some fun in nature, exploring the gardens on our way and testing our strength hanging from the tree branches. Soccer and tennis were also very popular up in this playground and we plan to do some more tennis in our sport and movement session this afternoon.
Our other big afternoon activity is animal charades. Half the children will do this while the others are at the sport and movement session and then we will swap over. We can’t wait to se what animals the children choose.
Remember it is “R U OK?” day tomorrow. A day for strengthening mental health and giving children the strategies to speak up about things that bother them and challenge others to always be kind and look after others. We will be dressing up in yellow or clothing with a message of kindness on it to celebrate the day.
Thanks for reading our blog today we hope you enjoyed!
Mr Andrew and Miss Lara