07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello families and friends…

WOW…What a super fun week we have had in the Kindergarten 2 room. The children have now developed some wonderful and caring new friendships and it has been lovely getting to know all the families better and build positive connections. Today we finished off our sea animal theme with a beautiful story chosen by Ryan from Miss Leesa’s collection entitled ‘Mermaid’. The book shared a story about a little girl called Luna who was afraid to swim in the sea so her friend Luka decided try and help her become more brave. Luka soon discovered that Luna liked ‘splashy, sparkly and scaly’ Mermaids which made her feel more happy to swim in the ocean. The children discussed the importance of taking care of their friends and making sure they are ok…

Today we also continued on with name and letter recognition as the children traced their first names with oil pastel crayons – displaying steady fine motor – hand/eye coordination skills and they also utilised the recycled paper and glue sticks to collage the first letter of their name. The children have definitely become more confident in their ability to identify their names this week.  Well Done Friends… The Kindergarten children also enjoyed role-play with the sea animal figurines from our Ocean display as they used their imagination and pretended to swim in the sea like ‘scuba divers’.

Other play and learning experiences today included role play with the dinosaur figurines, songs with actions including  ‘Home among the Gum Trees’, ‘Inanay’ (an Indigenous lullaby), ‘On Top of Spaghetti’ (an old favourite rhyme) and sensory playdough play requested by the children.

Next week we are going to learn more about each other and our families – so please bring along a family photo for show and tell…Thankyou…

Until next time… Enjoy the photos…

Love Miss Leesa