Happy Friday families and friends…
Today in the Kindergarten 2 Room the children raced around the playground and gathered all their friends as we transitioned into our room for our morning greetings and show and tell. Today, Ryan ‘very excitedly’ collected his family photo album from his bag and confidently said ‘Good morning’ to his friends and then proceeded to explain all the lovely family holiday photos in detail as we observed Ryan fishing with his dad and enjoying the animals at Australia Zoo. Transition time today all the children were given the opportunity identify either their names, numbers and shapes from the white board drawings as we made our way to wash our hands for morning tea.
Play and learning time today the children enjoyed playing in pairs and small groups as we played games of Number SNAP and a Word/Picture matching activity. During our Number SNAP game with Miss Leesa the children displayed very confident number recognition and sequencing of numbers 1-10 and counting skills as they played. The children extended on this game by working in pairs on the animal train number puzzle which also encouraged the children’s numeracy skills.
Today the children continued to enjoy practicing their fine motor drawing skills as they drew animal pictures on the whiteboards and utilised the wet chalk to create patterns and pictures on the chalkboards. The children request drawing on daily daily basis and have enjoyed expressing their creativity all week with these drawing opportunities. Group time today we shared a book entitled ‘The Very Greedy Bee’. The story taught us how important it is to be kind and fair towards our friends, to share and look after our peers – a lesson the Greedy Bee had to learn in the story.
Other play and learning opportunities today included role play with the dinosaur figurines – creating a ‘dinosaur world’, transport play with the emergency stations and working one:one with Miss Leesa to fill out our ‘All about me’ sheets.
Well… I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.. Enjoy the photos of your beautiful children…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa