our friends had a lovely, sunny day in Kindy 2. After plenty of time in the big outdoor yard we sat together in a morning circle with Miss Denise, our relief teacher for today. Harper received an invitation to a birthday party in the morning which she wanted to share with her lovely friends. Hence, we talked about birthdays and presents as well as the idea of spending some quality time with our friends and family.
Later on it was time for some yummy morning tea. We have practised responsibilities as setting up the table, handed out plates etc. and explaining the food provided to each other. How beautiful to see my friends eating delicious apple waffles and fruit.
After morning tea we did an experiment as it is science week in our centre. The kids helped Miss Denise setting up everything for it. We had two bowls filled with water. We added some salt to one of them as it encouraged the children to talk about salty water in the ocean and sticky skin after having a swim in the ocean. All of our friends cut their own little string which they soaked into the water. We added plenty of salt and hopefully we gonna discover some beautiful crystals tomorrow morning.
Now it was time to get active and develop our fine and gross-motor skills in our outdoor yard. The children suggested to play “Duck, Duck, Goose” and “What’s the time Mister Wolf” as well as different catch and throw games involving bean bags and soft balls.
Some children started watering the plants in our little garden. How nice to see them taking responsibilities.
We filled our little stomachs later on with vegetarian or chicken curry and a large variety of vegetables. The children chose then a quiet activity during rest time with their favourite toys and materials.