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Happy Wednesday families and friends…

Today in the Kindergarten 2 room Ivy, Zachary and Emerson  were so excited to share their family photos  with their peers for show and tell. The children all gathered on the mat for Yarn Time as we all greeted each other and our friends confidently shared information about the photos they had brought along. The children have really enjoyed engaging in conversation this week as they extend their language skills and share stories about their families, friends and pets. Harper proudly showed off her baby Yoda doll for show and tell as she explained she likes to play with it at home.

Play and learning time today the children worked on the 25 piece farm animal puzzle. Ryan, Ivy, Zachary and Emerson displayed wonderful problem solving and team work skills as they completed the puzzle together and then paid attention to all the farm animals in the puzzle.The children repeated the experience  over again as they  proudly showed off their accomplishments when they were finished. Macy and Tate played in pairs today as they enjoyed building and constructing with the lego set and then transitioned to role play in homecorner cooking and pretending to wash up.

Hendrix and Luna enjoyed continuing on with fine motor scissor cutting as they both practiced cutting out shapes and gluing them onto coloured paper. More friends soon joined in and all the children were happily utilising the scissors to cut and then paste. The children then extended on their fine motor skills with drawing on the whiteboards with the shapes, letters and animal stencils.

Group time today we shared a big book entitled ‘My Friends’. The children discovered that it is important to be kind and to help your friends. We also learnt that sometimes our friends like to play alone and then join in with play later and that’s OK too. The story also explained that we can be friends with our family members and our pets can be friends too.

Other play and learning experiences today included sensory playdough play with the kitchen set, playing a numbers 1-10 matching and memory game and transport play.

Well… What a super fun day in the Kindergarten 2 Room today…Enjoy the photos…

Love Miss Leesa