Happy Friday everyone, I hope you are having a great day.
As it was very smoky outside this morning, we spent our early morning play engaging in a variety of experiences in the pre kindy room. Here the children enjoyed constructing using a variety of blocks, and reading books. When we moved into our room the children were feeling very musical, as they headed over to the music area to explore the sounds the various musical instruments made. What a wonderful sound it created. This was a great opportunity for the children to explore sound, rhythm as they created their sounds together. We will look at incorporating musical instruments into our play next week, where we can explore sound, experiment with different tempos, and use our listening skills to copy children’s beats.
After the children had finished exploring and experimenting with the musical instruments, Miss Emma then gave the children the opportunity to choose whether they wanted to have their morning tea or come together for group time. We made this decision by everyone having the opportunity to vote for which option they wanted. This was a great opportunity for the children to explore numeracy as we counted which option had the most votes, which turned out to be group time. As we sat down on the mat we sung our “Hello to all the children of the world song”, which the children really seem to be enjoying. Miss Emma is so proud of how quickly the children have picked up the words to the song particularly the various greetings in the other languages which they are feeling confident to use as we do our roll call. It was now time for us to share our plan of what experiences we wanted to explore. Jaxon expressed that he wanted to play with play dough with coloured stones, Sage also wanted to play with the play dough just like Jaxon, Layla wanted to make rice pictures, Angelina also wanted to make rice pictures and Emily shared that she wanted to do painting “A monster eating a person.” As we finished up our group time together Miss Jenny arrived for Funky feet, the children were so excited as we missed out on this as Miss Jenny was sick.
As it was still a little a little smoky outside we moved into the Schoolies room where pre kindy and senior joined us for our dancing fun. We started off by doing the colour freeze song to warm up or bodies then moving onto the skeleton dance, firstly identifying each of our body parts and what they were connected too, then we moved and grooved to the music following Miss Jenny’s actions. Miss Jenny then brought out her special mat with hopscotch on it, where all of the children had the opportunity to practice their hopping when there was one square and jumping and landing with two feet when there was two squares together. This will be an activity that we can provide for the children as it is great for developing their balance and coordination and we can incorporate numeracy through identifying the numbers. It was great to see the children all having the confidence to have a turn as it was quite a tricky skill to do. We then moved on to performing a variety of different skills such as galloping, star jumps and a hop and a jump. After all the children had a turn at this we moved on to learning how to do roly poly’s using proper technique to keep our heads safe, what a wonderful job the children did and it was great to see the children having the confidence to give this a go. Next week we will be incorporating the skills that we have learnt here today to further consolidate the children’s learning and development of these skills, in particular hopping, skipping, galloping and star jumps.
We then moved back to the kindergarten where we fuelled our bodies with some morning tea, to give us some energy for our morning activities. The children seemed to be feeling very creative this morning as they engaged in a variety of artistic experiences. At the art easel there was a lot of wonderful imagination and creativity as the children created their works of art. Once they had finished Miss Emma asked the children if they would like to talk about what they had created. Emily created a water monster, Jaxon created a person swimming inside, floating on his back like at swimming lessons, Wynter created fire and a black monster with some magic and Layla created Mummy, Daddy and kids floating. We will continue to provide the children to express their creativity and imagination through art next week as this seems to be a great interest for the children. We have noticed that the children are enjoying having the art easels out set up with paint each day, where they can come and go as they please. One of the goals that we have for the children at the moment is encouraging them to use language, particularly through their art to support the development of their language and to articulate their ideas. We are really noticing an increase in the communication that is happening in the room not only with the teachers but also amongst their peers.
At the tables this morning the children had the opportunity to express their imagination and creativity with the coloured rice that we used yesterday to make our names. Angelina and Layla looked as though were having a wonderful time creating their works of art with this. Angelina commented that she was making her name and dots and Layla was making happy and sad faces. As this children are showing a definite interest in exploring art we will continue to provide them with opportunities to explore art using different art mediums. Next week we will be exploring string painting, painting with jelly, making our names this time using small squares of paper and we will look at creating art using recyclable materials like bottle tops from milk bottles and fizzy drinks, egg cartons, cardboard If you have any of these materials at home we would love to have them to use for our collaborative art.
The children also enjoyed engaging in group play in the home corner where they were having a picnic together, exploring puzzles, reading books and creating art using the open ended materials.
I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend and we will see you all next week.
Miss Emma