Hello Families and welcome to another Tantalizing Thursday

The children have had a lovely day that started with us playing outside, we collected the jug to see how much overnight rain we had. The children then discussed the noise that they heard during the evening and realised that it must of been rain. Jaxon said he thought it was the fan going too fast.

Once we came inside the children discussed what they wanted to do today, the decision was made that they wanted to make some ladybugs and some bumble bees. The children were able to use the precut pieces to make the insects that they requested. This also allowed them to explore the craft trolley using left over paint and glitter to make some amazing pictures.

We have also been exploring some cave building using the table in home corner. The children have enjoyed hiding underneath the table and surprising their teacher as they walk past.

This afternoon we are on the hunt for some insects in the garden, hopefully we can find some….

Have an amazing evening and we look forward to seeing you all again soon


Miss Sharon, Miss Sarah and the little explorers.