Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to another wonderful day of book week. Today was a bit of a special day as the Kindergarten and Senior Kindy joined together in the Senior kindy room today, it has been great to see the children engaging in some wonderful play together.

Today it was great to see lots of children dressing up for book week, the children were all very excited to show off their costumes today. Some of the kindergarten children requested to be called their characters name today instead of their real name, it was great to see them getting into character.

As it was such a nice morning we decided to have a picnic morning tea together outside on Miss TJ’s beautiful blanket, before moving inside for group time. At group time the Kindergarten children did a wonderful job of teaching the senior Kindergarten children our “Hello to the children of the world song and bug and roll”, Miss Emma also introduced us to a new song called “Hungry caterpillars,”, this will be a fun one for us to learn over the rest of the week as it has a very catchy tune. As the kindergarten children are learning about Butterflies and Caterpillars we read two stories “Bree becomes a butterfly and Butterfly farms.” Both of these stories talked about the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, whilst the butterfly farm story went into a little more depth about how caterpillars shed their skin, had pictures of their habitats and had lots of photos of different types of butterflies. After reading these beautiful stories the children then had the opportunity to watch a video which we have been watching called “How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly”, at the conclusion of the video the children had the opportunity to share any information they had learnt from the video. It was fantastic to hear Ellie being so confident to share what she had learnt from the video “They move”, Miss Emma asked if Ellie could tell us what moved “with their wings”, Jaxon shared “They hatch out of their egg”, Astrid commented “Butterflies eat dead bugs”, Layla commented “Chrysalis and they eat with their feet”, Matthew commented “Butterflies”, Hamilton commented “The caterpillar turns into a butterfly” and Liam commented “The caterpillars shoot out of the egg.” Well done everyone what wonderful information you shared, and we love that you felt comfortable to share this with us today.

After group time the children then had the opportunity to engage in a variety of experiences either in the indoor or outdoor environment. Inside the children had the opportunity to make Butterflies to continue on with our focus in the Kindergarten surrounding activities. Miss Emma adapted this experience so that it was developmentally appropriate for both age groups. The Kindergarten children had the opportunity to practice and further develop their scissor skills as they cut out the shapes for their butterfly wings, whilst Miss Emma supported the Senior Kindy to cut out their wings. This was a great opportunity for both groups of children to work on their scissor skills at their differing abilities. As the children decorated their wings we talked about the different colours they were using and also how many wings the butterflies have. As this experience was quite time consuming it was wonderful to see the children sustaining focus over a long period of time and also taking the time to revisit this experience. The butterflies are looking great.

Inside the children also engaged with a variety of experiences they were very interested in the variety of transport vehicles and the signs, it was great to hear the children talking amongst themselves as they talked about the signs that they have seen before out in the community and thinking about what some of the signs might mean that they have not seen before.

Outside the children had a wonderful time exploring a variety of experiences as always the swing was very popular with the children, along with cooking in the kitchen, drawing with the chalk, exploring with the cars, puzzles, Yoga with Miss Gabi and engaging in imaginative play together.

This afternoon the children are looking forward to working on their special projects and engaging in outdoor play.

We hope you have a wonderful afternoon

Miss Emma and Miss TJ