Happy Friday everyone!!
Firstly a big thank you to all of you who attended our Christmas Party last night, it was such a great evening, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
What a wonderful day we have had in the Kindergarten today. We started our day outside enjoying a game of cricket. What fun we had taking turns at batting, bowling and fielding. I loved what wonderful sports the children were as they supported each other and offered words of encouragement. After our morning of cricket we moved inside to enjoy some delicious morning tea, fuelling our bodies for a morning full of learning. After morning tea we moved to the group mat to discuss our day, sing our good morning songs and our helpers this morning Emily and Angelina set up two table experiences for their peers to explore. Now it was time for the fun to begin.
We had a festive array of experiences on offer this morning first up making reindeer hats, which some of our friends had a turn at making last night at the Christmas party. I loved how Elliott and Layla showed their leadership skills during this experience as they demonstrated to their peers what to do, and offered support where needed. Well done I am so proud of you. Throughout the experience I loved watching Austin, Wynter, Elliott, Layla persevere and use their problem solving skills as they put together their reindeer hats. This experience also encouraged the children to further strengthen their fine motor skills as they used the scissors and focussing on an activity for a long period of time. Throughout the morning Wynter and Elliott used their imagination as they pretended to be Reindeer.
The children had the opportunity to express their creativity and use their imagination as they explored and experimented with painting with a twist. Today instead of using paintbrushes in our hands the children were encouraged too paint using their feet. The children thought this was a crazy idea, but some were game enough to give it a go. Elliott, Layla, Austin, Wynter, Hamilton, Wolfy and Emily used their problem solving skills as they worked out how to firstly grip the paintbrush between their toes, as well as trying to paint and keep their balance. It was great to see the children so willing to give it a go, well done everyone. Ad the children engaged in this experience we were exploring our senses, persisting and persevering with challenges, problem solving, using our balance and coordination.
The felt board stories and drawing proved popular this morning, what a great choice Emily and Angelina. At the drawing table the children chose to use Christmas for their inspiration, as they drew their own Christmas trees, very eager to show me their beautiful Christmas trees.
In home corner we had lots of busy play occurring as the children engaged in social and cooperative play with one another. Today their was lots of yummy treats on the menu, children were busy doing the ironing and folding the washing and looking after the babies.
Today pur Funky feet class was extra fun with Miss Jenn as we got to dress up in some beautiful dancing costumes. Today we got to dance to some Christmas songs, use the shakers and do our solos.
This afternoon we are going to be having a very busy afternoon inside engaging in open ended material play creating Santa and a Christmas tree. The children will have the opportunity to create their own Christmas puzzle, once again providing the opportunity to further strengthen their fine motor skills through drawing and cutting. I look forward to hearing what ideas the children have instore for the afternoon.
I have attached our festive fun week schedule for you all for next week too.
Have a safe and happy weekend I look forward to seeing you all next week
Miss Emma