Happy Friday everyone and welcome to another wonderful day in the Kindergarten. Today was a bit of a quiet day with only seven friends.

At group time this morning after doing our roll call and our welcome song, Hamilton was eager for us to read his toy story book that he had brought in for the last day of book week. Before we could read our story we needed to make our big announcement for the week which is who gets to take our friend Hungry Jacks home for the weekend. This week it is our friend Layla, well done Layla. This week Layla has dressed up in lots of different costumes for book week and has been such a great helper setting up the environment and displaying pictures on the wall. We cannot wait to see what Layla and Hungry Jacks get up too during their weekend together on Monday.  After waiting so patiently we could now listen to Hamilton’s toy story book. The children have really enjoyed listening to lots of different books from children’s homes this week, it would be great to see children bringing in more books to share with us every week.


After group time the children had the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities in the classroom. As yesterday we started exploring the fairy tale “The Gingerbread man”, the children had the opportunity to use stick puppets to retell the story, or create their own version with a twist. I loved watching the children as they engaged in this activity creating their own unique take on the Gingerbread man using the props. It was great to see Emily and Layla collaborating with one another as they created a story together. This experience was a great opportunity for the children to be creative, imaginative, expressive, explore language, use their memory recall skills, collaborative with their peers, and most importantly have fun.

Continuing on with our Gingerbread man theme, the children had the opportunity to engage in the activity “Gingerbread man colour match.” Through engaging in this experience the children needed to match the coloured gingerbread man with the corresponding tray. The children did a fantastic job at matching all of the gingerbread men to their trays. The children have also asked if we could play this game again next week.

The children also enjoyed exploring in the home corner, racing the cars, reading stories, lots of drawing along with working on some special surprises.

This afternoon the children will have the opportunity to help set up the environment with the activities that they would like to do next week. This is a great opportunity for the children to develop their decision making skills, share their ideas and take responsibility for their learning.


Funk feet dancing  we started off with hopscotch, practicing our two feet jumping and hopping. We then moved on to across the room to baby shark side stepping across the room adding in a turn the second time we went across, high knee skipping focussing on pointing our toes as we skipped, high kicks, and marching. These skills were a great opportunity for the children to use their coordination, a variety of physical skills,  balance, following instructions and we could see the children focussing and concentrating really hard as they did this. The children then got in their boat practicing their rocking back and forwards, shrieking with the crocodile, tempo as they rowed faster down the river as they came to each of the animals. The children then moved on to one of their favourite games which is musical freeze today the children were able to choose which musical freeze they wanted to do today they wanted to do Halloween freeze. Now it was time to get our pom poms out. Once again this was a great opportunity for the children to listen and follow instructions, use colour recognition skills as they waited for Miss Jenn to call out their colour pom pom and then running like we would on to the stage to their coloured dots. At the conclusion of our dance class the children all lined up to do a bow. Great work today everyone 🙂

Don’t forget about our fathers day evening next Thursday from 5-6pm, we would love to see as Dad’s their as possible. If you could please let Miss Emma know if you are coming 🙂

We hope you have a wonderful safe and happy weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

Miss Emma and Mr G