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Welcome to the end of our week everyone! It was a special day today as well celebrated Narla’s 5th Birthday! We sang Happy Birthday and made her a special card.

In the morning we had an outdoor picnic and enjoyed some fruit and toast and did some different Pacific Island greetings:

  • Ni sa bula – hello in Fijian
  • Malo lelei – hello in Tongan
  • Talofa Lava – hello in Samoan

The children have been naturally using them during our Floral Friday celebrations which is awesome to hear!

This morning we caught ANOTHER bug and a google search suggested it was a “wheel bug”. We examined it and compared it to some of the other bugs we have found. This had become a real interest again for the children and Ellie said “I think it’s time we returned him home” after everyone had a good look.

With Miss Jeni away for the holidays we had our own little dance session with funky music which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We also finished our crepe paper artwork that we started yesterday and the results were awesome!

In the afternoon we enjoyed some relaxing activities like sitting on the swing, reading books and playing in the sandpit. After that we moved out of the shade and explored some more active games like ball games, bikes and chasing games.

Thanks for a wonderful week everyone, see you again soon.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess