Welcome to our new week in the Kindergarten class. Hopefully everyone had a great refreshing weekend despite the rain. Today we welcome 13 friends ready to start their weeks with Miss Jess and Mr Andrew.
We started our day in Senior Kindy and eventually moved outside to do lots of fun activities such as duck, duck goose which we learned last week, bike riding around the tracks, practicing our balancing skills as we walked with the stilts and so much more fun was had outside with our friends and teachers.
We then came inside, washed our hands and grabbed our water ready for morning tea. We all loved the fruit salad this morning however the yogurt was favourite. Soon after we ate, and our tummies were full we then packed up and headed to the mat for group time with Miss Jess.
Miss Jess read a book called ‘Kindness Starts With You’….. all friends were engaged to learn about kindness and how they can be kind. After the book Miss Jess asked questions about how they can be kind and if someone has been kind to you and what does it look like? Eva said, “its kind to help friends” Xavier said, “Mace helped me when I fell over.” There was lots talk to about when it comes to kindness.
After group time our friends headed off to either activities at tables or they self- select what they would like to play with. Children enjoyed role-playing in-home corner to problem solving with the puzzles. Friends also enjoyed drawing, working together as a team as they build a big train track and so much more.
This afternoon we did an activity on insects and matched the eggs with the insects and how the first start. This activity was based from children’s interest as they spotted a caterpillar this morning outside!!! To extend on this there will be more activities planned around their interest.
After afternoon tea and depending on the weather we may or may not get the chance to go outside BUT we will still have FUN not matter what 😊
Thankyou Kindergarten for today and see you all soon,
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess.