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Happy Monday friends and families! We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Today we celebrate Levi’s 5th Birthday. Happy Birthday Levi! We also welcome a new friend to Kindergarten classroom, Bobby. Bobby was welcomed by all of his new friends and we were very impressed with how kind and confident he was.

We had a great play outside together in the yard this morning. Layla and Emily were pretending they were Simba and Nala from The Lion King, crawling around the yard and roaring. Ellie and Kaylee were practicing their balancing skills, walking along the wooden steps. Elliott was helping his brother, Oli on the see saw. Liam and Bobby were enjoying exploring the sandpit. Wolfy and Jackson were searching for bugs in the bark and made a trap for the small bug that they found. Harper was having fun on the sandpit swing. While Bobby and Mathew raced each other down the slide and then ran back up the playground to race again.

Once inside we had a delicious fruit and muesli pizza and then made our way to the mat for a group time. We introduced our new friend Bobby and then invited the children up to share any stories from the weekend. Children’s voice:

Jacob- Went to Mount Tamborine, riding on a horsie. I had a donut. I saw some animals, a rooster, chickens, a crocodile. I saw monkeys.

Bobby- I went to Halloween Dreamworld. I saw a scary clown. I got lots of lollies.

Elliott- Went to Dads old work, there were kangaroos there and one kangaroo was by our door. I went for lots of swims at the beach. I had a buffet breakfast.

Liam- My brother was going to school and we played a board game, it’s called Dinosaur cars. My mum, dad and brother played.

Today is Remeberance Day which is a Memorial Day in which we pay our respects to the brave men and women of the armed forces, who gave their lives in the line of duty. Together with the children, Miss TJ discussed what Remeberance Day is all about. We spoke about the Poppy flower and what it represents. To extend on Remeberance Day the children were given the opportunity to paint the poppy flower using red, black and green paint to show their support. The children did an amazing job at painting the flowers, using a picture of the flowers as inspiration to create their own unique picture.

On the other activity tables Layla chose drawing and Elliott chose puzzles. The children absolutely love their free drawing. Today we focused on our pencil grip while colouring. Puzzle were a great choice as we could focus on our problem-solving skills. Especially as some of the puzzles chosen today were a bit tricky and we needed a few words of encouragement to finish them.

The children also enjoyed role playing shops in the home corner and dressing up in the costumes.

Before lunch we had Yoga with Miss Gabi who continued our yoga experience by researching animals and showing us how to do yoga poses to those animals. The children were very calm today, really getting in touch with their breathing when we lay down for our meditation time. We even had a few friends that were nearly ready to fall asleep after our relaxing time.

We had a quick group time where we read ‘Emotions in motion’ which taught us the colours and feelings we feel when we have anger, happiness, loneliness, surprised, fear, disappointed and sadness.

Have a great afternoon

Miss TJ and Miss Emma