Happy Monday everyone I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Through the children’s show and tells this morning it sounded like you were all very busy during the weekend, with trips to the beach, going out on boats, going to the park, and having picnics.
We have had such a beautiful start to the week with the children engaging in a variety of play experiences. On Friday the children continued their interest in the home corner with their pizza shop. To further extend on this interest I set up the home corner like a pizza restaurant, including the pizzas that we made and a table for the children to sit around. It was great to see the children engaging in collaborative and cooperative play with one another as they took turns at selling, ordering, cooking and eating their pizza.
Other experiences the children were involved in included expressing their creativity and imagination the children were feeling as they freely expressed their imagination and creativity through art as they created pictures using paint. The children had asked to revisit the alphabet soup activity that we did last week, this provided the children with the opportunity to explore literacy by identifying letters and matching the pictures with the corresponding soup can. A few of our friends decided that they wanted to do mat time with their peers, they have really enjoyed doing the five currant buns, which we do as one of our transition songs.
This afternoon the children are really looking forward to planting our discovery garden plants that I have brought in. I wonder what plats we have got.
I hope you have lovely afternoon and tomorrow Mr Ginna (Mr G) will be joining us which I know the children will be very excited about.
Miss Emma