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Happy Monday everyone I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. The children had some wonderful stories to share about their weekends this morning. From this week on we will really be encouraging and providing the children with the opportunity to share special news. This may be through telling us about what they got up to in the weekend, after Kindergarten or they may have something special to show us from their home. One thing I do encourage is that children are not to bring in toys from home, but we are more than happy to have photos, and books come in. This is a great opportunity for the children to continue to develop their social skills through having the confidence to speak in front of their peers and to ask questions.Any questions please feel free to ask Miss Emma 🙂 Here is what some of the children shared with us today Layla shared her news about her weekend with Hungry Jacks. It sounded like they had an action packed weekend as they visited the beach, went to the park, went to the smoothie shop, read books and played fetch with their dogs. Jaxon showed us his photos of Luna, and the birds that visit Nanas house. Elliott told us about riding on his scooter in the weekend and showed us the grazes he got on his knee when he fell off. Astrid told us about her dress up day at her other Kindy where she dressed up as a unicorn as that is what she wants to be when she gets bigger and Hayley told us she flew her kite  and had a sleep over at her cousins house. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful stories friends.

This morning we enjoyed a really nice morning tea where the children and I sat and talked about our weekends, and just general conversations. As we had such a nice time we decided that after we had finished that we would move inside and get started on our morning activities. Today we continued with our theme of “The Gingerbread man”. As mentioned on Friday the children had asked if we could revisit the Gingerbread man colour match activity. This was a great opportunity for the children to practice their colour identifying and matching skills. This was also a great opportunity for me to see where the children are at with their colour identifying and matching skills. As the children are showing great confidence in this area, I would like to expand their learning in this area by incorporating different languages from different cultures, we will do this through songs and games.


As the children have been enjoying cutting and puzzles, today the children had the opportunity to explore these two areas of interest together. This was through creating a gingerbread man puzzle. Through this experience the children had the opportunity to colour in a picture of the gingerbread man, on completion of this the children then used their scissor skills to cut along the lines to create our puzzle pieces, the next step was then to put the puzzle pieces back together using the numbers down the bottom to help them piece it back together. The children did a fantastic job at creating their puzzles and sustaining focus over a long period of time. As this was quite a time consuming process the children will have the opportunity to revisit this activity this afternoon or tomorrow if they wish. This experience provided the children with the opportunity to work independently, sustain focus over a ling period of time, be persistent, use their problem solving skills, explore numeracy and further strengthen their scissor skills.

Gingerbread man story retelling provocation. As we have been reading the Gingerbread man story at group time, the children had the opportunity to use an assortment of characters from the story which are on sticks to retell their own story. Through this experience the children have the opportunity to use their memory recall skills if they choose to tell the story like that of the book or they can simply use their imagination to create their own version of the story. Today Elliott chose to retell the story just like the book, what a fantastic job he did remembering the elements of the story, Story retelling is also a great opportunity for children to explore and expand on their language and to explore the concept of a story having a beginning, a middle and an end. During the course of the week or as long as the children show an interest in the gingerbread man the children will have the opportunity to revisit this experience. I look forward to hearing some more wonderful versions of the Gingerbread man story.

child initiated paly included expressing themselves to music as they created their own sound with the musical instruments, expressing their creativity through drawing, cutting, reading stories and home corner play.

This afternoon the children will have the opportunity to finish making their special gifts for their dads, along with revisiting making the gingerbread man puzzle, drawing lego construction, exploring and engaging in the experiences outside and dancing in the outdoor classroom.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone

Miss Emma