Hello families and friends of the Kindergarten class, today has been a fantastic day of learning and fun and we can’t wait to share it with you.

Today we had Arden starting with us and everyone did really well to make him feel comfortable and welcome by letting him join their activities and showing him around the playground. In the outdoor area this morning we did a range of activities including building castles with blocks, checking on our worm farm, swinging on the swing and some obstacle courses.

Our focus today was on our food, where it comes from and the diets of different animals. We learnt some new words including herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. The children sat really nicely on the mat watching the slideshow and learning about what animals eat. At morning tea we had banana, watermelon and rice crackers so we looked at pictures of where they grow. The children were fascinated with this topic and intrigued with the matching activity where we had to match the animals to the correct diet. We learnt lots of new information even the teachers and the children asked lots of interesting questions.

After a little bit of free play we then went outside to play a new game “herbivores or carnivores” everyone had to line up and if the teachers shouted herbivores they had to run to collect the “leaves” (green bean bags) and if they shouted carnivores they had to get the “meat” (red bean bags). The children had to practice their listening, memory and reaction time skills to get the bean bags before their friends.

This led us to lunch time and a yummy meal of nachos, again there were lots of discussions about the food and where it comes from. Afterwards the children settled into quiet activities such as books, puzzles, doll house activities or drawing.

In the afternoon we will do some more matching activities and discussions about animal diets and then hopefully get outdoors again for some more sun and fresh air.

Thanks for joining us everyone and have a fantastic evening.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess

Braxton sharing his book at group time. “When I’m feeling angry”