Hello parents and families of the Kindergarten room.

Welcome back from the weekend and to a start of a new month! My golly hasn’t time flew by already!

Here is what happened on our Monday in the Kindergarten room.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess welcome our awesome friends with a warm smile, hug or high five as they are dropped off by their parents. All children enjoyed their morning fun outside as its their time to spend with friends from S.K or P.K as well as their fellow class memebers. Children explored their environment as well as the different activities that are set up for all to enjoy. Washing the baby dolls in the water trough was SO MUCH FUN! Bike riding and scooter riding is a great way to build children’s confidence in riding them without any help, builds their coordanation skills along with other skills too. The slides are always fun to go down as they race eachother to the bottom and sandpit fun is always a good time as they make scrumptious food for all to enjoy, making castles and many other things.

When it was time for us to come inside, we all sat together on the outside green mat ready for Mr Andrew to do a learning activity on the chalkbaord. Soon after we all went into the bathroom, washed our hands, popped our hats away and headed to the tables with their drink bottles ready for morning tea. After all children had eaten and packed away we all went to the green mat ready for group time.

Today for group time we spoke about our calendar, that it is a new day, date, month and season!! We also spoke about insects more and read a book with different insects amongst other exciting things. Before we left the mat, Mr Andrew asked the children what activities they would like to do and off they went to self- select what they are interested in.

Eva, Ellie and Astrid enjoyed playing in the doll house, rearranging the dolls furniture and using their wonderful imaginations. Theo, Carter and Sunni liked making snowman’s, birthday cakes, snakes and necklaces out of the playdough. They liked the cold and soft texture of the playdough as they squish, roll and pat it. Harper, Mace, Astrid, Rikki, Sunni, Daniel and Genevieve explored playing the roles of doctor and patients. Mace and harper played the role of being a doctor while the other friends were the patients. All children really LOVED doing this. Charlotte liked problem solving to finish the puzzles, Charlotte also liked building with the connectors. Xavier, Reid and Mace all enjoyed working together as they were building awesome towers out of the wooden blocks. Mason thought the animals were fun to play with as well as the cool connectors!

Miss Zoe also came this morning to do yoga with us all!! Children practiced their sleeping bunny song, stretching like tall trees and relaxing their bodies. Thankyou Miss Zoe for our lesson today and see you again next Monday.

For the afternoon we helped tidy the room before having some afternoon tea. All children then put sunscreen on, hats and were waiting so well to go outside. Children were so excited to head outside, once they were outside in the fresh air and cool breeze children had the best time, shared laughs and joy throughout the afternoon.

Thankyou Kindergarten for today and see you all soon.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess.