Welcome back from the weekend, hope you all had a wonderful weekend, today Miss Shelby joined Miss Sarah in the room where we only had 3 friends today- Layla, Jacob and Matthew.
Before the rain came back we went outside for a play where Layla and Matthew explored their new outside environment. Jacob arrived while we were coming inside for morning tea.
This week is NAIDOC week so Miss Shelby planned a NAIDOC art activity and brought in a aboriginal story. Miss Shelby explained to the children what NAIDOC week is for – NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week is celebrated not just in the Indigenous communities but also in increasing numbers of government agencies, schools, local councils and workplaces.
Layla and Jacob did the aboriginal boomerang collage with Miss Sarah, they used the craft glue and different aboriginal coloured cut up pieces to decorate the boomerangs. The children also made aboriginal handprints using the aboriginal colours of black, red and yellow.
Mr Daniel came today for Arakan where the children practised their covers while Mr Daniel sang head, shoulders, knees and toes while he touched their body parts with his glove.
Before Lunch Miss Sarah did the acknowledgement to our Country song and read a kindergarten NAIDOC week story.
After Lunch the children had a rest and quiet time with books and then Miss Shelby read a aboriginal story – The Echidna and the Shade Tree.
Miss Shelby and Miss Sarah