Good afternoon and welcome a new week in the kindergarten room we hope you all had a great weekend.

This  morning we had a nice play outside with our friends from senior kindy and pre kindy we enjoyed playing, on the swing, drawing, riding bikes and sliding down the slide. We then came inside for some yummy morning tea today we had fruit cups with yoghurt it was delicious. After morning tea we gathered on the mat for group time and sang our Hello to the world song and Tena Koe song which means hello in Maori, which the children have really enjoyed learning. As mentioned at the end of last week today we started our adventure learning about culture. First Miss Emma brought out the world map asking the children if they knew what it was called. The children all commented that it was a map and a few of them were able to show us where Australia. This sparked a discussion about us living in Australia and Elliott commented that we live in Queensland.  On the map Miss Emma showed us where she used to live which was New Zealand and Jaxon commented that his Dad lives in New Zealand and he is going there next week. We also discussed about culture an what we know about it. Layla Said ” My mum comes from Macedonia” and Elliott commented “At Japan you have to take your shoes off at Dinner.”  Miss Emma mentioned to the children that they have some special home work to do at home with their families which is a cultural questionnaire, which will be in your lockers to take home tonight and to return it once you have completed it. This questionnaire is going to help guide our journey into culture as we at first will explore the cultures that make up our room. After our discussion it was time to move into our morning activities.

As it is the beginning of a new week we needed to make some play dough, which the children had the opportunity to be involved with Miss Sarah. As the children engaged in this experience, Miss Sarah asked the children what colour playdough they would like to make today and the children choose the Colour red, as well as talking them through the recipe exploring measurement as they identified the numbers they could see within the recipe. Once the playdough had been combined the children had a wonderful time exploring and expressing their creativity and imagination as they manipulated the play dough into their desired creations.

The children also had the opportunity to create their weekend stories where they talked about all the wonderful things they got up to in the weekend, how it made them feel, and recreating this in picture form. At our group time before lunch the children had the opportunity to share the stories of their weekend to their peers. This was an opportunity for the children to use their memory recall, explore language through speaking in sentences, and developing the confidence to speak in front of their peers.

Other play the children engaged in today was role playing in the home corner using the shop. The children really enjoyed taking turns at being the shop keeper and selling a variety of different items to their peers. To extend on this interest we will make some money for the shop for the children to use as well as turning the home corner into a shop maybe a café for the children to explore. We also had some money robbers in the room today. The children had the opportunity to explore literacy through a “Say it, build it, write it ” experience. This involved the children identifying their name, building it with the magnetic letters and if they wished writing it on the piece of paper.

There is also a few notes and reminders to add today

  • Firstly please don’t forget if you haven’t already to return your photo orders, Kindy photos are next Thursday and Friday.
  • Ditto keep safe adventure show permission slips need to be returned before next Thursday for your child to be able to attend. This is next Thursday at 9:30am.
  • We have been notified of a case of head lice over the weekend in the Kindergarten room. It would be greatly appreciated if you could all check your children’s hair and treat if necessary.


We hope you have a wonderful day

Miss Emma and Miss Sarah