Good Afternoon family and friends of Kindy One,
Welcome to the Blog for Thursday. This morning we hand enjoyed exploring Pre-Kindy room before moving into the slide yard where we enjoyed playing a game of tag, soccer, balancing along the balancing beam, rocking on the seesaw and saying hello to all our friends as they arrive. Afterwards we had tip-toed inside quietly as it was a challenge which Mr Andrew had set for everyone. It was a fun challenge for everyone to see if they could complete it together as a group and… They did, congratulations Kindy One. Once coming inside we had competed the roll for the day and did the calendar for today. Mr Andrew had then setup a song for us all to sing together which was Ants on the Apple which is an alphabet song which the children had enjoyed as they understand the letter and sounds they make.
We had then adventured into small groups as some children had enjoyed completing a treasure hunt with Mr Andrew outside. On the treasure hunt the children had to find numbers which were located throughout the big yard. Some other children had stayed inside with Miss Jess where they enjoyed free time or doing some dot painting which is a continue on activity from Yesterday which was Dot Day. Many of the children had enjoyed dipping the sponge into the paint and making different shapes and patterns on their paper. some other games throughout the room children had enjoyed were;
- Lego
- Magnetics
- Connect four
- Train track
- Home Corner
- Drawing table
This Afternoon we hope to continue on with our numbers games as we loves playing these games together. These games also benefits our counting, acknowledgement of the shape of the numbers and problem solving. We also hope to make our own treasure hunt for our friends to complete when their at Kindy next. This Afternoon we will be located in the small yard which is connected to Kindergarten Two.
We apologies for no photos as we will be fixing the problem ASAP.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess