Welcome to Monday family and friends!
Welcome to Mondays ‘s blog. To start the week off we had enjoyed greeting everyone with big cuddles when they had arrived, we also enjoyed looking at everyone dressed in their wonderful pyjamas to show support and donate to the Pyjamas organization. This organization is gaining money to help provide learning programs and social help to those in foster care. We briefly discussed this in a powerpoint slide for the children and there were lots of great discussions between the children about the difficulties of foster care for some children.
As a special treat we were able to use the foldable beds to make some cubby houses. The children loved getting creative and making their own spaces which they played in for most of the morning. Being able to have your own space is important for having a sense of security and independence at Kindergarten so it was great to see the children take ownership during this activity.
Other activities we enjoyed included:
- Making our own pyjamas from crepe paper, glitter spots, texters and other materials (great for developing fine motor skills and creativity)
- Playing a pattern sequencing game to figure out where each shape belongs based on different properties like colour, shape and size (great for developing problem solving skills and spatial awareness)
- Bean bag throwing activities – trying to land bean bags into the correct coloured hoops
We were outdoors for lunch for some free play before lunch and a small group gathered with Miss Hailey for our regular Monday yoga session. The children enjoyed the opportunity to unwind and get silly with the songs and games, Miss Hailey focusses as much on the mind as the body with her sessions and the children really enjoy them and want to play the games after.
In the afternoon we plan will split the class to have our normal music and sports sessions. We will begin to practice some some of the things to get ready for our graduation later in the year so perhaps your children might be singing some new songs at home soon.
Thanks for joining us today. Have a great day.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess
P.S for those children who attend Fridays we still need some parent helpers for our Under 8’s day at Oxenford School, please indicate on your permission slip if you are able to help out on this day. Thank you very much 🙂