Good afternoon family and friends of Kindy One.
Welcome to the blog for Friday. We hope everyone has had a wonderful week, full of fun during the school holidays. Today we had enjoyed exploring the small yard with Kindy Two. While we were outside we had enjoyed together as a group playing in the boat. As we used our imagination we had imaged us all together travelling to the jungle but we became stuck in the North Pole. We had to fight the sharks off in the water and protect ourselves from the big monkey’s whom were handing from the trees whilst we arrived to the jungle. Suddenly we had to make a fast escape to an island. So we placed our diving gear on and swam to the island which was.. Kindy One room. Once we arrived into our room we became safe from all the sea animals, and land animals. We had then enjoyed group time with a story which was My Dad is a Robot which made us all laugh. We then had enjoyed a slide which Mr Andrew had made for all of us. We had to guess what animals lay egg and which do not. It was fun guessing, as we tallied it all up to see who was right. We had transitioned to the tables to have morning tea by counting how many tallies were in the column This what wonderful number reconviction Kindy One!
Mr Andrew had then setup the science experiment we had completed yesterday which was filtering the water using a sponge, cotton ball, coffee filter and sand. throughout the week we had estimated which filter would clean the dirty water the most.. Which filter do you think? We also had other small groups enjoy water colour painting, white board drawing, and Lego construction. During quiet time we had enjoyed started creating our butterfly’s using coloured paper, pop sticks and multiple different colours. We also continue guessing more animals that lay eggs as we had a little more slide to look at. We can’t wait to show and tell everyone which animals do and don’t lay eggs.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog for today and we would like to wish everyone a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and we cannot wait to hear about everyone adventures they had over the weekend. See everyone on Monday.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess