Good Afternoon friends and family of Kindy One,
Welcome to the blog for Monday. To start off the week we enjoyed some time inside Pre-Kindy room completing some animal puzzles, making stories of the felt board, and exploring the train track. We then moved outside to explore the yard. Many children enjoyed playing a game of tag with their friends, swinging on the swing and playing a ball throwing game with Mr Andrew. The children had to use their underarm to throw the ball into the bucket. Many childen had enjoyed practicing their underarm skills. Afterwards we slowly moved inside to get ready for group time. Today for group time we had did the roll call, completed the calendar for the day and read Pocket Dog. We had read the story Pocket Dog because one of the dogs from the story had fallen from the pocket and had to find his adventure home again. This was a wonderful story allowing children to understand what RSPCA do for animals. After ready Pocket Dog we had then discussed what RSPCA stands for, how they help lost animals and why the rescue animals.
For morning tea, we had enjoyed Blueberry Breakfast bar with some banana which everyone had enjoyed. After filling their tummies it was time to make some yummy cupcakes for RSPCA Day as we support and provide awareness. Whilst making cupcakes we had measured, counting and cognitive development. Cooking for children encourages children’s thinking, problem-solving, and creativity throughout cooking experiences. During baking the cupcakes we had also enjoyed practicing our hand eye coordination skills as we mixed and poured the ingrediency into the bowl. Many children loved baking and couldn’t wait to decorate their cupcake ready for afternoon tea.
During this time we had also enjoyed construction play with the magnetic marble track, Lego and dominoes. They had enjoyed making tall towers and rolling the marbles down the track to see how fast it would take. Another group had enjoyed exploring home corner, using their imagination to create characters and explore the kitchen with their friends. Mr Andrew also had an activity for everyone to enjoyed and participate with was a germ quiz. As last week we had focused of germs throughout out the week and partake in quiz based around germs.
Throughout quiet time we hope to continue on with our Father’s Day gifts and decorate our cupcakes for afternoon tea. We will also complete show and tell before moving outside to explore the yard with our friends.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess