Good afternoon friends and family to Kindy One Blog
What a wonderful morning it has been for Kindy One. We have enjoyed exploring our room this morning dur to the wet and cold weather outside. While our friends had been arrive we enjoyed Home corner, construction play with Lego and magnets. Afterwards we placed the clean up song on and everyone helped pack away the room together as a team and class, Well Done Kindy One! During group time we had completed the calendar for the day, as everyone were excited to place the correct day, date, month, weather and season in the correct spot on the calendar. Afterwards we all sat down together in a circle, we had to place the number on the correct side of the board. We had 3,4,7,9,10 on the left side and 1,2,5,6,8,9 on the right side and the children had to place the paper number on the correct side the numbers had been written on.
Once finishing morning tea we had enjoyed the activities which both Miss Jess and Miss Jade had setup which were making of play dough and a self-portrait. The children loved making play dough with Miss Jade as they used their measuring and counting skills to make the play dough. Another group of children had enjoyed making self-portraits with Miss Jess. The aim of the self-portraits was Miss Jess had already taken a photo of everyone and had cut them all in half, the children had to draw the other half of their face which was missing. What wonderful artist we have in Kindy One. Some other activities which many children had been interested in were:
- construction- Marble Run, Lego and Magnets
- Imagination play- Home corner
- Fine motor skills- Free drawing
During quiet time we had enjoyed construction play with the Lego and completing puzzles with our friends. Some others had enjoyed using the playdough and making letters from the template which was given. Wonderful team work we have seen today in Kindy One!
We would like to remind parents if they could please write down where their child will be attending school for 2022, on the posters which is displayed in the foyer on Kindy Two wall, upon the entrance. We also have printed off the photos from today and they’re displayed on the door of Kindy One room. We hope everyone enjoys the photos and have a wonderful afternoon!
Miss Jess and Miss Jade