Good afternoon friends and family of Kindy One.
Welcome to the blog and a wonderful sunny day. To start the week off we had enjoyed some time in the slide yard with both Kindy classes. During this time we enjoyed completed an obstacle course, playing a game of twister, balancing the large dominoes on our heads and balancing each other on the seesaw. Whilst running out all energy we moved inside to completed our group time for the day and have morning tea. For group time today we had enjoyed completing the roll call and doing the calendar for the day. Afterwards we had enjoyed reading a story based on Cheeky Monkey who can’t wait to get a treat at the store. But he needs to remember all the ingredients his mum had told him. Did he use his listening ears? We had also practiced our special performance which will be shown at graduation… It’s a surprise for all our friends and family we have to keep it a secret until graduation.
Once we finished morning tea we enjoyed exploring the room, as most enjoyed home corner and construction play. We had used the marble magnets to create tall towers, cars and rocket-ships. Some of us enjoyed rolling the marble down the track to see whos track was faster through all the twist and turns everyone tracks had. Home Corner has also been popular recently as children have enjoyed using the dresses ups and making their imagination to create characters for themselves. We had also completed some craft to show our support for daffodil day, as we used the green and yellow paint to create our own daffodils.
Some of us also did some reading comprehension stories with Mr Andrew. We had read a story together then relayed the story back to Mr Andrew. We also had reflected on the story by answering question about the story. Miss Jess was also continuing to complete our Father’s Day craft and cards, as this Sunday we celebrate our Dad’s, Grandad’s and Uncles. Today during outside we loved exploring the sandpit with all our friends, and we loved climbing the money bars and supporting one another from one end to the other. Amazing team work and support throughout exploring the yard.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess