07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good Afternoon friends and family of Kindy One,

Welcome to the blog for Thursday. What a wonderful day it has been, as the sun has been shinning bright all day. This morning we had enjoyed our morning exploring the slide yard with our friends from both Kindy One and Two. Many of us had enjoyed completing puzzles, making paper airplanes, balancing along the obstacle course and playing some different running games. Throughout the morning we had greeted our friends as they arrived and enjoyed seeing the wonderful costumes everyone was dressed in. Once running out our energy it was time to head inside and complete the roll and calendar for the day. We had also enjoyed some stories which our friends had brought in for book week. Afterwards we filled our tummies and got ready for some free time inside.

During our morning we had engaged in many activities such as; construction using the Lego, magnets and dominoes. We had also were interested in ping pong as we versed each other. During this game we had been practiced our hand, arm movement and hand-eye coordination as this improved children reflexes and helps develop their muscles. We had also continued on with our Father’s Day gifts with Miss Jess and Mr Andrew was continuing on with our books we had been making throughout the week. We had enjoyed some outdoor time exploring the big yard with all our friends, as we did some water play, pushed each other in the swing, made some sandcastles, riding around the bike track and using the connection blocks to build a tall town.  For group time in the afternoon we had read some more books from our friends and we also enjoyed a bingo game. We had used numbers and once Mr Andrew had called out the number and the children had to circle the correct number and once they circled all the numbers on their board they called our BINGO! This was wonderful game for them all and they enjoyed this game a lot with their friends as they helped one another out. We had also enjoyed some other games such as doggy doggy where’s my bone and a whisper game.

We would like to apologise for no photo’s today due to the sim-card still not working and we hope for it to be fixed by next week. We hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend with friends and family, and stay safe. Have a wonderful weekend, we cannot wait to hear all the wonderful adventures everyone will go on.

Much Love Mr Andrew and Miss Jess xoxo