Good Afternoon families of Kindy One.
Welcome to the blog for the day. I would like to welcome back our families that were away yesterday and all of last week. This morning we had enjoyed greeting all our friends before moving into Kindy Two yard where we had enjoyed playing soccer, Immunity game with Mr Andrew and making our own obstacle course. Some of us loved completing the obstacle course our friends had made as it had lots of objects apart of it making it difficult for us. At 9:30am we had moved back into our room to complete a roll call and the calendar for the day. All children were engaged counting and singing the months and days of the week. We had enjoyed listening to Bob the Sloth’s adventure he had enjoyed going on with Jake… I wonder where he will go next? One of our friends from the Kindy one class had brought in a book which was called Finding Nemo which everyone loved! We enjoyed it so much we asked to read it again in the day… we cannot wait.
Throughout the day we had enjoyed construction play, as we used the marble track to build tall towers and tracks for all the marble to run/ race down. Whilst building the marble track we had helped one another and communicated using words what we needs/ wanted to make. This was Wonderful support and team work seen in the Kindy One room. Another group of children had enjoyed continuing to make some germs with Miss Jess, as we put our creative hat on and made some colourful and abstract germs. We continued to enjoyed some home corner using our imagination whilst also using the costumes provided.
We had participated in a Olymip game which was shooting. Mr Andrew had brought some water blaster for the children. The children had stood on a coloured dot then had to aim at the target and fire. The children loved this game as they continue to hit the target.
This afternoon we hope to explore the big yard and continue with our Olypmic games. We also hope to do some dancing around the tree house this afternoon.
Much Love Mr Andrew and Miss Jess xoxo