07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon family and friends of Kindy One,

Welcome to the blog for Tuesday, we hope everyone well and safe. This morning before transitioning outside we had enjoyed creating some puzzles, making paper airplanes and construction wooden blocks. All children enjoyed creating their own plane and flying then around the yard once transitioning outside. Whilst outside this morning a group of children had played a game with Mr Andrew which they had to throw a ball using their underarms to hit the target. This was similar to the game we had played yesterday morning as we worked on our underarm throw. Afterwards it was time to head inside and do roll call and calendar for the day. Mr Andrew had also read a story which was Unicorn! Which everyone had loved! Mr Andrew had then set a challenge for Kindy too see if they could name a vegetable in a very soft whisper voice. What a wonderful challenge… every did amazing at this challenge. We had then sat down for morning tea which everyone had enjoyed beans on bread with banana.

During the morning we had enjoyed construction play with the Lego, magnet marble run, and colourful blocks. It was wonderful to see all the children use their imagination to build tall towers, houses, and cars from the objects. During this time some children also enjoyed completing the puzzles as this helped them develop shape recognitions, and patience whilst constructing the puzzles. During this time Mr Andrew had a group of children try and recognise the colour of the word instead of trying to read the word. for example the word was blue but it was written in yellow. The children had to recognize the colour not the word. Recently most children have been interested in home corner, as they use the dress ups and create a character for one another throughout exploring home corner.

We had adventured outside to play a game of charades with Mr Andrew. Playing charades benefits children learning as they understand they have to use their creative mind with limited resources they have available. This allows children to develop their non-verbal communication skills through hand motions. Whilst some children didn’t want to partake in the game and decided they wanted to explore the sandpit, swing and bike track. Afterwards we all went back inside to listen to a story which was Starting School. The children were engaged throughout this story and excited to see what happens until the end. We all becoming excited about school as we start to talk about it more during Kindy.

This afternoon we can’t wait to head outside to explore the yard as we ride the bikes, making tall sandcastles, climb the monkey bars, and balance on the balancing beam. We also hope to continue on with our Father’s Day gifts… which has to be a surprise, sorry we can’t tell.

Mr Andre and Miss Jess