Good Afternoon family and friends of Kindy One, Welcome to the blog for Wednesday.
We had all enjoyed greeting our friends the morning when they had arrived. It was wonderful watching the children place their bags in their lockers, placing their hats on their head and remembering to put their drink bottle into the tray for the day. Wonderful independence from all the children. Whilst outside a group of children had enjoyed playing multiple different games with Mr Andrew such as Among us and what’s the time Mr Wolf? All the children enjoyed interacting with other children from other room and educators. We had also enjoyed exploring the mud kitchen where we made some mud pies and cakes for some of our friends. Today we had the doors to Pre-Kindy had been open for the children to explore. It was amazing to see all the children helping, sharing, and encouraging one another, as they explored the cars, home corner, and train tracks throughout their time inside. It was then time to transition inside to complete the roll and calendar for the day.
Miss Jess had then set a challenge to see if the Kindy kids could succeed and complete the quiet challenge throughout roll call and well… A big congratulations to children for using their listening ears and completing the challenge. The challenge was for all the children to have their hands on their head and when their name was said they had put them down into their lap. The children had completed this in 35 seconds! Well Done Kindy One, Miss Jess is very proud! As we changed the calendar the children were engaged and participating, which is wonderful to see.
For morning tea, we enjoyed Coconut Strawberry Delight which includes yoghurt, granola, and berry sauce which the children loved! Lots of the children had tried granola and enjoyed it. We had then moved into construction play with the marble run which most children have been interested in recently. We also had some groups enjoyed Lego and magnet construction throughout the morning. We had also enjoyed some children completing a self-portrait of themselves, and wow we have some Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo’s in the room. A group of children also enjoyed home corner, as they cooked food for one another and played in imagination play.
Before moving outside Mr Andrew had sat down with all the children to read a story which Carter had brought in from home which was Winner Winner Bin Chicken Dinner. This story was about an Ibis on the lookout for food, but she’s not welcome anywhere! Until she spies the most amazing dinner of all which was a buffet. The children loved listening to this story and asking questions.
We then adventured outside to participate in some outside games which we had enjoyed playing earlier in the day including among us and a soccer game with everyone. Physical development in important during this age as they’re still developing the growth in their bones, muscles, and joints. This afternoon we will be adventuring to the Kindy Two yard to explore and interact with our friends. We also hope to continue with our self-portraits throughout the afternoon.
A reminder this Friday 13th of August is Red Nose Day. We would love for the children to be dressed in Red as we support a good cause. We cannot wait to see everyone dressed in red!
Much Love Mr Andrew and Miss Jess xoxo