Good afternoon friends and family,

Welcome to the blog for Wednesday. This morning Kindy had enjoyed some free time exploring the room before moving outside. While they had been inside they enjoyed using the Lego to construct houses, cars, and rocket ships and launching them into space. The children also enjoyed making paper airplane’s again with their friends and having flying competition, some other children also finished their Father’s Day cards with Miss Jess, as we have started to prepare them with some special gifts. We then adventured outside with our hats on our heads and enjoyed the very tricky obstacle  course that had been setup, some children said they loved it! A small group had also enjoyed reading multiple different stories with Mr Andrew under the tree outside. We had also enjoyed making mud pies in the mud kitchen, singing on the swing as we push our friends and racing around the bike track. Before we knew it was time to head inside to have some morning tea which was some yummy yogurt with a coconut strawberry bar and fruit which was banana and mandarin.

Afterwards Mr Andrew had sat down with some children to learn to play a new game which was about Food Intake. The game was for the children to chose a food card which will tell them how to move their token, food will move them either up and down a row and/ or forwards one or two steps. The aim of this game is for children to understand the effects of different foods on our bodies like giving us energy, nutrients, and even sugar crashes for the more processed foods. Many children were engaged and focused on how to play which was wonderful. During this time Miss Jess was also siting with a group of children to complete Father’s Day cards, we can’t show anyone yet … it’s a surprise! Some other small groups enjoyed the magnetic  marble run, home corner and paper plane construction.

We then adventured outside again to see a wonderful obstacle course and ride the bikes around the track, we made pies in the mud kitchen, climbed on the monkey bars, built tall towers, and everyone wanted Mr Andrew to push the swing as high as he could. This was fun the children shouted! This afternoon we hope to read a story of Sustainability and healthy eating. This is to focus on our science week topic, as we learn about the process of getting foods from farms/nature to our plates and the science behind it.

A reminder for parents it Book Week next week . Monday 23rd to the 26th of August, the theme of Book Week this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.

Thanks for reading today, Mr Andrew and Miss Jess