Good Afternoon families and friends of Kindy One.
Welcome to Wednesday blog for Kindy One. Today we had enjoyed exploring the yard with all our friends as we used our imagination to play Ninja’s, and we also had played a game of tag. Mr. Andrew had hidden some sea animals around the yard for everyone to find Which everyone loved! We then moved inside to complete the roll call, when we had finished roll call we also had a special song which was… Happy Birthday to Arlo!
Once everyone had filled their tummies full of some yummy food it was time for the Bug Kidz show from Miss Lea, everyone was excited. Throughout the show we enjoyed dancing, singing and learning about some bugs such as:
- lady bug
- stick insect
- butterfly life cycle
- caterpillar
- rhino beetle
- snail
- grass hopper
- stink bugs
We loved hearing all the fun facts about all the bugs, we also were excited to hear about compose and how it helps the environment. We’re also excited to extend on this experience and create Kindy One’s own compost. A big thank you to Miss Lea for allowing us to learn about all the interesting facts of these bugs and insects. We were excited to run around the yard and explore our garden for some insects and bugs ourselves. We had found some ants and some stink bugs. This was very intriguing for us all to investigate.
This afternoon will be able to touch and hold some of these insects and bugs Miss Lea had brought in for everyone to have a look at. We also will be creating a wonderful cake for Arlo as he has brought some ingrediencies. We also will be continuing on from our “stain-glass” window style paintings. As a group we hope to see the wonderful adventures Bob the sloth has been on recently.
A reminder for parents crazy hair day is coming up on Monday 26th of July. Everyone is invited to wear their craziest hair style to Kindy for the day along with a gold coin. Another reminder is for families to bring back permission forms for under 8’s day which is held at Oxenford State school on Friday 31st of July. If you haven’t already received a permission for please let an educator know and they can give you one to sign.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess