Good afternoon families and friends of Kindy One. Welcome to the blog!
First of all a big Happy birthday to Asher and Zander who are turning 5 today!
We had started the day exploring the Kindy One room with our friends due to the wet weather. We had enjoyed building houses from card board boxes, playing with domino’s, and animal drawing. All the children were engaged with the activities, as they encouraged others to join in the fun! Afterwards its was time to check the roll and complete the calendar for the day. The children were excited and all had their hands up when they had been asked what the day, date, weather, season and month are. Before moving to the tables to have morning tea, the children got to ask Mr. Andrew questions based around the animal’s we had seen yesterday in the show.
A Group of children had sat down with Miss Jess and made some play-dough. They each measured the right amount of indigence before placing it into the bowl to mix. Together the group had made yellow squishing play-dough, which the children loved! Another group had sat down with Mr. Andrew and they each painted an animal they had seen yesterday. Or if they weren’t here yesterday they could paint an animal from their imagination. We also had some small groups enjoying home corner, construction with magnetics and a free drawing table.
For our sport and movement session today we did some soccer games as Little Big Sport didn’t come in today. We practiced a traffic light game where the children had to dribble around the tree house when “green light” is called and they had to stop the balls with their feet when “red light” was called. Any children still moving after red light had to sit in the “jail” for 1 turn. It was a great fun game to practice soccer skills and also responding to cues like in real sport. We also played “King of the Ring” where we had to protect our ball from others trying to kick it away. Lastly we finished off with a shooting game where the children had to dribble around the poles and then shoot into the goal. 3 goals and they could head of to for free play again!
In the afternoon we plan to watch a short nature video of the children’s choosing and also some group games like sleeping lions, spy game and other choices from the children.
Thanks for joining us today and have a wonderful evening everyone.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess