This morning Kindergarten started the day with some fun outdoor activities including making “goop” (aka slime) with Corn starch and water, also participating in a wide variety of creative, physical and constructive activity playtime activities set up throughout the playground.

Following the mornings outdoor play, they enjoyed a delicious morning tea of homemade baked beans on toast and banana moving into a specially designed group time session discussing the key values/basic elements and importance of good sportsmanship. The class then actively engaged in various creative activities set out for them within the classroom including making playdough to create snowmen and cupcakes, also unleashing their creative minds with some amazing salt pictures.

After the creative indoor activities, the class took part in their weekly Arakan lesson where the key focus today was on coordination, agility and enhancing the children’s reaction times.

Following up with our group time discussions regarding good sportsmanship, a large specially designed obstacle course was setup for them to participate in friendly races between their fellow classmates allowing the children to actively display the core values of good sportsmanship. Including participating to their best ability, encouraging and supporting not only our friends but also their randomly selected opponents regardless of the race outcome. The course components consisted of balance beams, wheel barrow racing, ramps, crawling through tunnels, climbing rock walls following specific coloured markers throughout the playground and zooming down slides. While the key focus for today’s obstacle course was to demonste good sportsmanship, there was a large emphasis on developing their gross physical motor functions, agility, coordination and enhancing their cognitive abilities/retention.

Lunch was then served which was delicious Nachos, definitely a crowd favourite.

We hope you have a wonderful afternoon

Mr Ginner and Miss Emma