Welcome to Thursday in the Kindergarten room!
Starting the day indoors today we did some puzzles, playing with animal figurines, engineering a wide and diverse shapes/structures using a varying range of building blocks. Moving outdoors we got to run an play, riding bikes, playing in the sand pit, swinging on the swings and conducted “time trials” on an obstacle course. It was a very busying and active morning in the Kindergarten playground today.
As the morning pressed on it was time to once again return indoors for our much anticipated and requested morning tea! After devouring or morning snack it was for our morning group time on the group mat where Miss Emma read us some stories and we discussed the order of the day ahead and the many fun activities that awaited us.
While we listen to storys, Mr G was busy drawing giant pictures of Santa and a Christmas Tree for us to decorate. Once Story time was over we set out on our mission to have more fun making Christmas crafts until lunch we even got a visit from our Arakan instructor Mr Dan showing off our ninja skills the outdoor classroom.
After lunch we brought things back with some much deserved downtime, attempting to read quietly while some of our friends got some sleep. But with the over excitement about our Riversdale Early Learning Centre Christmas party later this afternoon that we will get to share with all our family and friends, sitting down quietly was not on the cards today for most so we setup various different activities around the room for the children to stay engaged with including building blocks, painting snowmen and creative drawings.
With day nearly done, we enjoyed some light refreshments to recharge and replenish our bodies and got straight back into the action! Making puzzles, playing games on the group mat, more story time with Mr G and made our final preparations for our much anticipated Christmas party tonight! We are so excited to see all our family and friends here at Riversdale Early Learning Centre to celebrate Christmas with us!
What an adventure we have been on today. Full of Christmas cheer and boundless levels of energy!