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Good Afternoon and welcome to another lovely day in the Kindergarten room. This morning we had lots of fun engaging with our friends outside, outside we read books on top of the hill, walked on the obstacle course, had some tea and coffee outside on the table and went down the slide, swung on the swing and  we had fun playing a game of cricket together. After our big play outside we came inside and washed our hands for some yummy morning Tea of mini muffins and fruit. As we sat at the table for morning tea a discussion around what we had to eat for breakfast emerged. It was wonderful to hear all the children eager to share what they had for breakfast. Layla told us she had Nutella on a banana as well as a piece of Nutella toast. Hayley had mini weetbix. Hamilton had vegemite on toast and strawberries. Angelina had some milk and a lemon drink. Graysen had porridge and Jaxon had Porridge and Fruit loops. It is great to see that the children had some wonderful options to fuel their bodies for a day at Kindy. As the children were full of conversation this morning Miss Emma thought it was the perfect opportunity to have a discussion about our shop play, as she had set up a pizza shop for the children to explore. First the children had the opportunity to talk about their favourite type of pizza. Hamilton’s favourite is pepperoni, Hayley’s is pineapple and cheese, Angelina’s favourite is Sauce with watermelons, Layla’s favourite is Egg with corn, Wynter’s favourite is cheese, Jaxon’s is pepperoni and Graysen’s favourite is Pepperoni. We then talked about what flavour’s we should sell in our shop and how much they thought they should cost. As we talked about the cost of the pizza, Miss Emma asked the children if they new how much a pizza costs in the shop, Hayley was very quick to answer five dollars. These are the flavours and the prices that we came up with together. Pepperoni $5.00, Cheese $6.00,  Hawaiian $5.00, Egg pizza $1.00 and pineapple $6.00. I think we came up with some good deals for our pizza shop.


We then gathered on the mat for group time after morning tea to share some news. Angelina spoke about her adventure of the weekend with Hungry Jacks. Angelina told us he went to dancing class with her, Angelina also took Hungry Jacks to her Birthday party, where there was a cake that was so yummy and he watched Angelina at her swimming lesson on Sunday.What a wonderful weekend they had together, I wonder who will get to take Hungry Jacks home this weekend. Hayley had some special news to share with us, she brought in some pictures of her new baby brother Winston and her friends asked her some questions about her new baby brother, Jaxon asked Hayley “Where you at the doctors ” Hayley replied back “Yes” and Wynter also asked Hayley ” whos that holding your baby brother and ” Hayley replied back to Wynter ” That’s me and Ivy.”  Thank you for sharing these special pictures with us Hayley, what a wonderful big sister you are going to be again. After group time we also sung the wonderful Miss Nikki Happy birthday.

During the morning the children had the opportunity to engage in a variety of experiences from playing in the pizza shop, where we took turns at selling pizza and buying pizza from the shop, we drew pictures of our favourite types of pizza. The children had the opportunity to make the tallest lego castle which Hamilton had initiated yesterday. The children also had the opportunity to express their creativity as they used  a maori piece of art to draw pictures in the sand.

After our play we came together at group time to share with Miss Emma what we had been up to while she had been busy doing her programming. Jaxon really enjoyed doing Arakaan. Layla liked painting a butterfly and playing with the register in the home corner. Hamilton enjoyed playing with the cars with Austin, making big towers with the lego, drawing a pizza and drawing some pizza toppings cheese, tomato, salami, carrot and sausages and he ate some pizza in the pizza shop. Angelina played in the home corner in the pizza shop. Austin played with Wynter making a house with the lego. Wynter liked playing in the pizza shop. It sounds like they had a very enjoyable morning. When talking about what the children would like to do tomorrow, they said they wanted to do the pizza shop again. Layla commented that we needed to make some pizzas for the shop. Which I think is a great idea. Tomorrow we will make some pizza’s that we can keep in our shop to play with.

This afternoon during our quiet activity time the children will have the opportunity to explore literacy as we play the alphabet soup game. Where the children will be able to use their letter matching and identifying skills. They will also have the opportunity to revisit the lego and express their creativity and use their imagination through drawing along with threading bobbins all great fine motor activities.

As you would have been made aware Miss Sarah’s last day with us is tomorrow, although it is not goodbye as she is off to the Benowa Hills centre.

We hope you have a great afternoon

Miss Emma and Miss Sarah